Бомок, І. О. Дослідження сучасних тенденцій розвитку суспільства за допомогою "Power BI" [Текст] : магістерська робота : спеціальність 014.09 Середня освіта (Інформатика) / І. О. Бомок ; ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, фізико-математичний ф-т ; наук. кер. Н. Р. Балик. – Тернопіль, 2022. – 82 с.
The task of the work is the definition of the concept of machine learning and the peculiarities of its study in institutions of general secondary education; consideration of digital interactive tools for learning the basics of machine learning; description and development of the main methods of studying the elements of machine learning in institutions of general secondary education; development of STEM projects using elements of machine learning; popularization of STEM education.
The object of the research is the process of implementing elements of machine learning in computer science classes in Ukrainian general secondary education institutions.
The subject of the research is the development of methods of implementation, organization and popularization of machine learning elements within the framework of the implementation of STEM education.
The work consists of an introduction, two sections, conclusions, a list and used sources.
The first chapter deals with the theoretical foundations of machine learning. Basic ML concepts and model components were described.
In the second chapter, a course for learning machine learning in Python and Scratch was developed and described. The course for Scratch is designed to learn how to work in a programming environment and create your own simple projects.
Keywords: machine learning, database, artificial intelligence.