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S57          Siagha, S.
    Socio-pedagogical conditions of prevention and correction of teenagers aggressive behavior in general secondary educational institutions [Текст] = Соціально-педагогічні умови профілактики і корекції агресивної поведінки підлітків у закладах загальної середньої освіти : Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy : 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences 01 Education / Pedagogy / Siagha Sami ; academic supervisor O. Soroka. – Тернопіль, 2023. – 331 p. – Бібліогр.: с. 213-260.

   The dissertation is devoted to the problem of organizing the prevention and correction of teenagers aggressive behavior during their studies in general secondary educational institutions. In the course of scientific research, it was found out that it is expedient to introduce socio-pedagogical technologies that involve the use of socio-pedagogical conditions into the preventive and corrective activities organized by social pedagogues and practical psychologists. As a result of the analysis of scientific sources and the study of practice, it was proven the importance of prevention and correction. It was emphasized the need for active use of innovative forms, methods and techniques in the educational process of general secondary educational institutions. On the basis of inductive-deductive analysis in sociological and psychological-pedagogical dimensions, it is substantiated the author’s interpretation of the scientific definition “adolescent aggressiveness”. It is understood as motivated destructive behavior that contradicts generally accepted social norms. It is a direct reflection of the adolescent’s internal discomfort. It shows the inability to adequately respond to events and involves harming others. It was found that adolescent aggression has both positive and negative meanings. There are identified signs of adolescent aggression. It was established that adolescent aggression has specific features, namely: it has a pronounced demonstrative character; acts as a result of a personal crisis; characterized by the appearance of various types of deviations; often manifests spontaneously both for the teenager himself and for his environment. Aggressive teenagers have general individual psychological characteristics and individual traits. There are observed pronounced gender differences in aggressive actions manifestation. There are determined main motives of teenagers aggressive behavior. Also there are analyzed the approaches of scientists to the classification of types, types, forms of aggression, which are the most common in adolescence. By systematizing and summarizing scientific information, there have been identified the most important reasons of teenagers aggression manifestation. Thus, in the psychological and pedagogical context, the most important reasons include the negative effects of three factors: the family; peers and environment; mass media and computer technologies. It was found that factors such as: character traits (excitability, demonstrativeness, irritability, inflated self-esteem) have a positive effect on increasing the level of adolescent aggression; the level of self-awareness and the development of self-criticism. The main scientific categories of the dissertation work are “prevention” and “correction”. The socio-pedagogical prevention of aggressive behavior is understood as an interconnected and integral two-way process. This process involves the creation of optimal conditions that contribute to the elimination of the desocializing effects of aggressive behavior. As well as, it affects the development of the adolescent’s personal sphere, the formation of a non-aggressive position in him during interpersonal interaction. Key words: aggression, aggressiveness, deviant, addictive and aggressive behavior of teenagers, institutions of general secondary education, prevention, correction, socio-pedagogical activities.

УДК 373.5.:316.624-053.6


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