З-14 |
Загура, Ф. І. Теоретичні і методичні засади професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання багатогалузевих закладів вищої освіти [Текст] : реф. дис. на здоб. наук. ступ. д-ра пед. наук : 13.00.04 - теорія і методика професійної освіти / Загура Ф. І. ; Хмельницький національний університет. – Хмельницький, 2024. – 40 с.
In the thesis the concept of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education has been substantiated. The theoretical and methodological principles of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education, through the prism of philosophical, anthropological, psychological, economic and andragogical dimensions; concepts of progressivism, existentialism, constructivism, connectivism; as well as determined principles (scientific and practical orientation, flexibility, integration, openness, systematicity, variabiiity, collegiality, contextual leaming, individualization and personal direction, problem so?ving, reflexivity, active leaming) ?aid in its basis; the application of methodological approaches (anthropocentric, andragogical, interdisciplinary, paradigmatic, systemie, structural, synergistic, competency-based, acmeological, axiological, cultural, activity, personality-oriented, modular) have been defined and substantiated. The current state of the problem has been characterized through the characteristics of the professional activity (organizational, scientific, educational, educational-methodical, international, health-prophylactic, sports- leisure and sports work) of physical education teachers of multidisciplinary higher education institutions, as well as providers' proposals of professional development programs, have been analysed. The study of physical education teachers' ехрегіепсе at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education regarding participation in professional development programs has been carried out. The content and structure of the physical education teachers' readiness to perform professional functions at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education is theoretically substantiated, its essence is revealed and its components (motivational, epistcmological, personal, activity) have been characterized. The diagnoslic toolkit for the pedagogical experiment, as well as the criteria (motivational-valuc critcrion, cognitive-noesis, personal-reflective, operational-activity), indicators and levels (Iow (algorithmic), medium (constructive), high (reflective) of physical education teachers' readiness to perform professional functions at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education that correlate with its components have been defined and developed. Based on the developed concept, the system of physical education teachers' Professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education has been modelled. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of physical education teachers' professional development system at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education (the application of effective mechanisms for stimulating the motivation of physical education teachers for professional development on a continuous basis; the harmonization of physical education teachers' professional development content with the needs of professional activity and the interests of scientific and pedagogical employees, departments, faculties, multidisciplinary institutions of higher education at various stages of professional development; the integration of interna! and extemal forms and models, methods of professional development of physical education teachers; the improvement of educational and methodological support of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education) have been substantiated. The effectiveness of physical education teachers' professional development system at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education has been experimentally proven.
The content of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education, its institutional forms and models, individual forms and methods have been improved.
The theses on the integration of professional development theory and practice, application of the external and intemal potential of the system of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education were further developed.
The concepts of "professional development" and "readiness of physical education teachers to perform professional functions"; the content of the component structure (components, criteria, indicators) of physical education teachers' readiness to perform professional functions at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education; a toolkit for diagnosing the state of physical education teachers' readiness to perform professional functions were specified and clarified.