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          Holovatska, Y.
    Pedagogical conditions of the professional training of future translators for localization [Текст] = Педагогічні умови професійної підготовки майбутніх перекладачів до локалізації / Y. Holovatska
    // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Педагогіка. – 2023. – № 2. – С. 69–74.

   The article highlights and theoretically substantiates the set of pedagogical conditions for the professional training of future translators for localization. The processes of further renewal of the system of higher linguistic education are objectively aimed primarily at meeting the needs of society and the state for qualified translators, which involves corresponding changes in the professional training, development and self-development of the personality of future translation personnel in the direction of formation of readiness for localization. Pedagogical conditions for the professional training of future translators for localization are defined as a set of interdependent factors of the educational environment of higher education institutions (objective possibilities of the content of learning, methods, organizational forms and material possibilities of their implementation), the construction of which is based on the introduction of the author’s educational and methodological materials into the process of educational and cognitive students’ activities, which will ensure the successful achievement of the research goal. The introduction of separate pedagogical conditions provided for: the development of new educational courses, their software and methodological support, which should be carried out on the basis of the tasks of future professional activity; expansion of the number of educational and scientific sources corresponding to translation standards, including due to effective electronic search of relevant information; provision of appropriate technical equipment for the educational activities of future translators (computer classes with Internet access and the necessary software (desktop versions of the SDL Trados САТ system), electronic library, multimedia equipment (interactive whiteboards, multimedia screens and projectors); changing the role of associate professors. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, conditions, professional training, future translators, localization, students, educational activity, digital technologies.

УДК 378:81'253-051


Є складовою частиною документа Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Педагогіка [Текст] = Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Section: Pedagogy. № 2 / голов. ред. Г. Терещук ; редкол.: І. Задорожна, В. Кравець, І. Цідило [та ін.]. – Тернопіль : ТНПУ, 2023. – 108 с.

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