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          Савки, Ю. Р.
    Формування іншомовної фонетичної компетентності в учнів початкової школи [Текст] : магістерська робота : спеціальності 014.021 Середня освіта (Англійська мова і література) / Ю. Р. Савки ; ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, ф-т іноземних мов ; наук. кер. А. О. Клименко. – Тернопіль, 2023. – 95 с.

   The study focuses on the development of phonetic competence among elementary school students through the integration of creative methods such as games, melodies and representations into the learning process. The importance of the formation of auditory and rhythm-intonation abilities at the initial stage is highlighted, in particular, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. The difficulties of younger students are analyzed, emphasizing the need for individualized approaches to education. A set of exercises for teaching phonemic skills is presented and their connection with physical activity is revealed. The experimental results testify to the success of the implemented methods, which contribute to the improvement of the phonetic competence of second-grade students. The importance of developing strategies for improving phonetic skills in elementary grades is emphasized. Key words: research, phonetic competence, primary school, integration, creative learning, individual characteristics, phonemic skills, results.

УДК 373.3.016:811.111


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